captcha keeps saying try again


Title: "Captcha Keeps Saying 'Try Again' - Troubleshooting and Solutions"


Captcha, short for Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart, is a widely used security measure on the internet to verify that the user is a human and not a bot. Sometimes, despite genuine attempts, users encounter the frustrating message, "Captcha keeps saying 'Try again'." In this article, we will explore some common reasons behind this issue and suggest potential troubleshooting steps to resolve it.

1. Insufficient Click Accuracy:

One of the most common reasons for encountering repeated "Try again" messages in Captcha is a lack of click accuracy. Captchas often require users to click on specific objects, such as traffic lights, crosswalks, or storefronts, in an image. If you're not accurately clicking on the required objects, the system may consider it a failed attempt.

Solution: Pay close attention to the instructions provided in the Captcha prompt and ensure that you accurately click on the specified objects.

2. Overuse of VPN or Proxy:

Using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) or proxy can sometimes trigger Captcha mechanisms, as they may appear suspicious to the system. Frequent IP address changes can raise security concerns for Captcha services, leading to multiple "Try again" messages.

Solution: If you're using a VPN or proxy service, try disabling it and accessing the site directly to see if the Captcha issue is resolved.

3. Unusual Browsing Behavior:

Unusual browsing behavior, such as rapidly loading multiple pages or clicking on links at a fast pace, may trigger Captcha more frequently. This behavior is often associated with bots rather than human users.

Solution: Slow down your browsing activity and avoid rapidly clicking on links or refreshing pages to reduce the likelihood of encountering Captchas frequently.

4. Incorrect Time Zone Settings:

Some Captcha systems may use time zone information as a factor to determine whether the user's activity is suspicious. If your device's time zone settings are incorrect, it may trigger Captcha challenges more frequently.

Solution: Check your device's time zone settings and ensure they are accurate. Adjust them if necessary.

5. Suspicious Network Activity:

If your network's IP address has a history of malicious activities or is associated with spamming or bot behavior, Captcha challenges may be triggered more often.

Solution: If you suspect that your network's IP address has been blacklisted, contact your internet service provider (ISP) to resolve the issue.


Encountering repeated "Try again" messages in Captcha can be frustrating, but understanding the underlying reasons and following the suggested troubleshooting steps can help resolve the issue. By demonstrating genuine human behavior and ensuring accurate clicks, users can successfully pass Captcha challenges and continue enjoying a secure online experience.